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  •  June 20

Take the Pain out of Conversations About Coverage

Access Next helps pharmaceutical manufacturers take the pain out of conversations about coverage
Take the Pain out of Conversations About Coverage
It’s universally understood by pharmaceutical manufacturers that physicians hate when prescription decisions are held up by payer coverage issues. Sometimes it’s prior authorization. Other times the HCP believes a treatment is covered, only to hear from an angry patient who walked away from the pharmacy counter with sticker shock. Either way, most manufacturers would love to remove this pain point from the prescriber and patient journeys if it was only possible.
Today’s real-world treatment scenarios often find physicians asking: “Can Patient X, who belongs to Health Plan Y, actually get Product Z as prescribed?” From a physician’s perspective, the answer isn’t always clear.

Unfortunately, that’s access now.

The good news for manufacturers is that our colleagues at Entrée Health have built a solution that is successfully eliminating the coverage confusion pain point. Their new platform is housed right in Veeva, so sales reps can seamlessly pull up what they need. And it provides accurate, up-to-date coverage data from payers, pharmacies, and employers, whether it’s commercial insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

That means easy access to coverage details for every account, region, and county and data that’s specific to every physician’s practice. All in a streamlined, easy-to-use interface.

That’s Access Next.

The unique Access Next platform includes:

    • Customized brand messaging informed by provider insights
    • Coverage dashboards featuring only the health plans that matter to each HCP
    • Simplified pre-call planning with a built-in template library
    • Integration with existing sales systems (Veeva, Salesforce, native iPad applications)
    • Robust reporting tailored for marketing and sales

“Access Next has made a big impact on how well the HCPs in my territory understand their patients’ unique managed care coverage situations. It’s been amazing to watch the open rates on my emails to HCPs go up and up; they actually open and respond to my emails now because of the improved, targeted content.”

—Regional Business Manager, mid-size pharmaceutical company

Are you ready to take the next step in coverage and access conversations? Contact us today to request a demo and learn more.

Archbow Consulting and Entrée Health are sister companies under the Value and Access division of Omnicom Health Group. Learn more about our united organizations here.

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Archbow Consulting helps pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the USA and Europe design, build, and optimize product distribution and patient access strategies. Archbow was founded by industry veterans to meet a need in the marketplace for consulting options that offer diverse real-world experience, are able to leverage deep connections across the industry, and can also provide actionable strategic guidance. We invite you to learn more about our team, services, and clients’ success, and connect with us via email, LinkedIn or subscribing to this blog which you can do below.

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