Home 9 Case Study 9 DATA ACCURACY
How one manufacturer is now leveraging more accurate, meaningful, and actionable data to make strategic decisions.
Manufacturer hired Archbow to audit data set-up and accuracy of two-way data flow from SPs, data aggregators, PAP pharmacies, HUBs, and nursing vendors.

Tactics included moving pre-determined data fields into files, pre-launch testing, post-launch monitoring, and correcting data fields and files for HUB and SP.

In the course of testing and monitoring the files, various issues resulting in incomplete, inconsistent, or erroneous data transmission were discovered.


Archbow collaborated with the client, their HUB vendor, and their SP partners to ensure all data is accurate, complete, and timely.

Identified the source of data errors.

Quickly determined and initiated corrective action.


Correct data was restated, process and programming deficiencies were corrected, data verification tools were built for automated data monitoring, and enhancements were made to the data file.

All data files to and from all vendors are clean.

Manufacturer is now leveraging more accurate, meaningful and actionable data to make strategic decisions.
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